Service a Priority Having had a difficulty placing an order (most probably at my end!), Tracey and Co were nothing but helpful.
No, more than helpful. Much more than... Another Happy Customer Thank you some much, for such fast service!
great work. Thanks Temporary Tattoos Australia! Thanks for the timely delivery of your tattoos. It's great that they were all cut up and we didn't have to do it once they arrived! Very colourful... Id highly recommend this website For a recent Pimps n Hoes party I purchased a range of sexy tattoos for the wife and I. Very simple and easy to do. Id highly recommend this website. Thanks Temporary Tattoos Australia! My school recently held a mini fair and a group of friends and I sold temporary tattoos. I contacted Temporary Tattoos Australia who offered support... |
TestimonialThanks Temporary Tattoos Australia! Thursday 05 May, 2016